360 photography

360 photography is one of the product-oriented industrial photography techniques that has a great impact on selling more products in online stores. In recent years, we have seen a lot of competition between different businesses, and a large part of businesses, in order to keep up with technology and gain more market share, go to sell products through websites or online stores and use different methods to display They used their products, but the biggest problem of many sellers was the inability to show all the angles of the product and their tangibleness on the website, and with the introduction of this photography technique to the world of online sales, many problems in presenting the real view of the product have been solved. By using the 360 photography technique, products are displayed in 3D and circular mode on online sales sites, which gives a better feeling to the buyer to check the entire view of the product and make a confident purchase.

360 photography is part of industrial and advertising photography. It is a new and user-friendly way to display all the features of a product or even a store. This type of imaging is more expensive than regular photography and requires more equipment, but on the other hand, it brings you more efficiency because your customers can see your goods and products in high detail in any way they want with just a few simple clicks. Watch as if they are holding the object. These types of photos can improve your business several degrees

Also, 360 photography is used in the imaging of stores or even hotels. With the advancement of technology and the virtual world, you no longer need to go there to see the products of a store or the interior of a hotel. Thanks to the 360-degree imaging, you will be able to easily review the desired product with high quality and detailed details at home, using only your smartphone or PC, and order it if you wish.

How to create a 360 photography

To create a 360-degree photo, the photographer takes several different views of an object or an environment using a camera and a special tripod and overlaps the photos using special computer software (such as 3dvista).

The final output is a 360-degree object (virtual tour) that allows the viewer to watch any part they want.
required tools
Necessary equipment for 360 photography

In this type of photography, unlike normal photography, you need more equipment and, of course, higher experience. In the following list, some of the most important accessories needed for this type of photography are mentioned:

DSLR camera
Camera body
Lighting equipment
Special lens