indusrial animation

Industrial Animation in Dubai

Making a variety of industrial animations

industrial animation : Making an animation or computer animation involves a variety of techniques in which animation is digitized by the computer. Two-dimensional animation techniques are usually focused on manipulating images, while in 3D techniques, virtual worlds are often created where characters and objects interact with each other. With 3D animation, you can create images that look real to the viewer.

There are five types of animations that can be played

The first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the name of the animation is 3D and Pixar Magnificent 3D animations. But it’s interesting to know that the animation types include 5 categories. For each of these categories, techniques and tools are used. These 5 categories include:

Traditional animation

Two-dimensional animation

3D animation

Graphic design

Stop motion

Traditional animation – handmade, animated cell, two-dimensional

industrial animation : Traditional animation, sometimes called handmade, cell or two-dimensional, is one of the oldest forms of animation. In this type of animation, the animator designs each animation frame in one sequence. If you had a boyfriend who had one of those notebooks in consecutive designs, you’d better understand the concept of traditional animation.
The same comet designs that patted the sheets quickly and illuminated the character’s motion. In traditional animation animators, images were painted with colored pens on a piece of lacing placed on an optical table. It is designing. The process of producing traditional animation can be long and costly. However, today traditional animated images are mainly designed using optical stylus and computer software. 

Vector based two-dimensional animation

Vector animations that are made using a computer in a two-dimensional fashion have the same technique as traditional animation making. The background to this type of animation dates back to the late 1990s. When due to bandwidth restrictions, many artists began using Flash software to create very short animations and publish them on the Internet. The popularity of Flash software peaked in 2005, with its acquisition by Adobe. Now thousands of two-dimensional vector based animations can be placed in a separate category than traditional animation. Because in addition to the possibility of frame-by-frame animation, characters can be stacked and then moved different parts of the body individually. Contrary to traditional animation in two-dimensional animation, it’s not necessary to design a single character. Watching Flash on YouTube.

3D animation (CGI)

industrial animation : is a 3D animation process that is completely different from traditional animation. To build both of them, you need to understand the principles of motion and composition, but the technical skills necessary for each one are very different. To create a traditional animation, it is necessary to have a very high level of design skill if it is to create a 3D animation, such as playing with puppets. Without doubt, the 3D animation has revolutionized the animation industry, and the beginning of this evolution The animation was Toy Story 1 in 1995.
At that time, the use of 3D animation was limited to television commercials, special effects of cinematic films and video games, and the production of the first fully animated film was the standard for the animation industry. Film studios have also tried to make use of Make 3D animation techniques super realistic animation scenes. The first examples of 3D animation applications in movie theaters include the Three Lord of the Rings and the Planet of the Ips.

Graphic art

 Although graphics are still an animation, they are different in some ways with other types of animation. The application of graphic art is to animate the logo, educational and explanatory videos, video ads and even the basic titles of the videos. The skills needed to master graphing skills do not necessarily match the skills of other animators. Because the creation of graphic graphics does not require much knowledge about body movements and facial expressions. However, there is a good deal of knowledge about themes such as composition and camera movements in all types of animations.

Making a stroke is a special kind of animation that is made by continuous shooting of objects to create illusion of motion. The process of making a stop motion is very long. Because objects must be carefully and accurately cranked up to a few centimeters each time after taking a shot. There are several different types of stylus settings that we mention to some of them:

Claymation: One of the most popular forms of stop making animation is using dough. Dough can be easily deformed. In more advanced forms, bone skeletons are constructed for characters, and the dough forms on the metal skeleton.

Puppets / Lego / Action Figure: Some animators use real dolls instead of dough. The doll’s face can be replaced by emotional position with pre-made faces. The use of lego or statue of famous cartoons is very common today.

Cut-Out: Draw a character on a card and cut it off. The cut-off card is placed on the surface and filmed above it. Characters are spaced every few centimeters.

Pixelation: This type of stop motion is used by humans and real surroundings. The method works like other types of stop motion photography, moving the subject and re-shooting.

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